June 4
The first day the entire Global Vets crew got together, we completed the first half of our School Link project. We visited Rustya Primary School in Insingiro district to distribute the soccer balls and school supplies we had brought with us. While it was daunting for these "mzungus" to face an entire school of eager Ugandan school children, we were able to exchange some knowledge about Canada and learn about their school system in return. We plan to return to the school at a later date to pick up the pen pal letters and look forward to exchanging them with a school in Saskatoon, SK, Canada.
In the afternoon we returned to the same area to visit St. John's Secondary School where we had a football match with the school mauraders. Contrary to popular belief, we did not "have our butts kicked" and the battle ending in a draw, 1-1. The students seemed to derive great enjoyment everytime one of us tripped over the ball or field and the evening ended in a general good feeling of camaderie.
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